ScienceSoft Is Among the Most Reviewed Web Development Companies on The Manifest
In October 2021, ScienceSoft was ranked among the most reviewed web development companies by The Manifest. The recognition is not the first one we get from The Manifest. For example, in 2018, our company was listed among the top big data consultants.
We admire the mission of The Manifest – by analyzing and ranking the results of different software development and digital marketing companies, they give increased visibility to trusted and competent vendors, and help businesses find the best partner depending on the project specifics.
Web development is one of the major business directions for ScienceSoft. We have plenty of experience developing web portals (for vendors, customers, employees), ecommerce solutions, enterprise web applications (document management apps, supply chain management apps, EHR, etc.). We offer both technical expertise and business consultancy for all the major industries. A good understanding of end users allows us to achieve consistently high user adoption rate for our apps. We are happy to see that our customers value our approach and promise to maintain a high quality standard for all the future projects.