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Mobile Application Support and Maintenance Services

Mobile app support and maintenance services help to ensure that mobile apps always have relevant functionality and faultless performance. In the domain since 2005, we offer IT and non-IT companies continuous support and maintenance as well as dynamic evolution of mobile applications.

Mobile Application Support and Maintenance Services - ScienceSoft
Mobile Application Support and Maintenance Services - ScienceSoft

Why Choose ScienceSoft as Your Mobile App Maintenance Company

  • In IT service management since 2008.
  • 70+ mobile experts on board.
  • Integrated Manual and Automated Testing methodology designed to reduce the costs of high and deep testing.
  • Expertise in evolving mobile apps by adding AR, IoT, AI/machine learning, biometrics, and other advanced features.
  • Mature Agile and DevOps cultures for regular releases and easy deployment of updates.
  • ScienceSoft is a 3-Year Champion in The Americas’ Fastest-Growing Companies Rating by the Financial Times.

Key Mobile App Support and Maintenance Projects

Head of Mobile Department at ScienceSoft

As consumers, we all expect absolute convenience when using mobile apps — fast loading, no glitches, easy-to-understand interface. This magic doesn’t just happen, it is the daily work of a support team that monitors the app’s behavior and promptly fixes arising issues. Also, by its nature, a mobile app is a very dynamic and ever-evolving type of software. To stay competitive and loved by users, it requires UX and UI improvements and frequent updates with new features. So, support activities often go beyond monitoring and fixing to continuous app development. ScienceSoft readily supports both faces of the service.

The Scope of Our Services

ScienceSoft renders L1, L2, and L3 application support and provides corrective, adaptive, preventive, and perfective maintenance of your mobile software.

Mobile app support


Providing proactive user assistance

Guiding materials for app users:

  • App technical information.
  • Manuals.
  • FAQs.
  • Knowledge base with convenient search.

Pricing model: Fixed price – you pay for us to prepare user guidance materials for your mobile app, the costs of information updates are reduced.


Solving basic usage issues

  • Receiving, logging, and prioritizing requests submitted via in-app support forms, text/call chat, etc.
  • Consulting users on how to solve basic issues (mobile app registration, subscription, etc.)
  • Escalating unsolved issues to L2 support and providing users with status updates until resolution.

Pricing model: Price per ticket – we define the L1 ticket cost, and you pay at the end of the month for the number of tickets we resolve.


Fixing issues related to app/server configuration

  • Fixing issues by changing configuration settings in mobile apps’ client side and back end.
  • Resolving app-server synchronization and other infrastructure issues.
  • Logging issues that require code changes for further investigation and escalating them to L3.

Pricing model: Price per ticket – we define the L2 ticket cost, and you pay at the end of the month for the number of tickets we resolve.


Solving mobile app issues via comprehensive code changes

  • Fixing bugs by tweaking code of the mobile app and server.
  • Resolving critical device/OS compatibility issues and addressing urgent security/compliance issues.
  • Adjusting existing mobile app integrations.

Pricing model: Monthly subscription fee – you pay each month for our continuous L3 support services at a reduced hourly rate.

Mobile app maintenance

Mobile App Evolution

Introducing enhancements to a mobile application

  • Developing new app features and modules (including those with AR, IoT, biometrics, AI, and other innovative tech features.)
  • Providing mobile app updates to ensure new device/OS compatibility.
  • Introducing new integrations with other apps or services.
  • Mobile app re-architecting and code refactoring.

Pricing model: T&M with a cap – we charge for hours & efforts spent on evolution and send invoice reflecting them at the end of the month.

Security Management

Ensuring the safety and integrity of business and user data

  • All-around mobile app security monitoring and diagnostics of configuration errors.
  • Vulnerability assessment and documentation.
  • Security code audit and code review.
  • Penetration and security testing.
  • Mitigation of uncovered vulnerabilities with hotfixes or urgent app updates.

Pricing model: Monthly subscription fee – you pay each month for our security management services at a reduced hourly rate.

Performance Management & QA

Continuously testing & optimizing mobile app operation

  • Monitoring of mobile application performance to ensure fast issue detection.
  • Mobile app code, server, and database optimization to improve app performance.
  • Mobile testing, including functional, performance, and compatibility testing.
  • Usability and accessibility testing.
  • UX audits.

Pricing model: T&M with a cap – we charge for hours & efforts spent on performance management + QA and send invoice reflecting them at the end of the month.

Compliance Management

Maintaining app compliance with all required regulations

  • Diagnostics of the apps’ compliance with iOS and Android guidelines as well as industry-specific standards (e.g., HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS).
  • (for apps distributed via stores) Monitoring changes in requirements and policies of App Store and Google Play.
  • Following up on uncovered inconsistencies with OS guidelines, industry regulations, and store policies by rolling out patches or scheduling an update in the release plan.

Pricing model: Monthly subscription fee – you pay each month for our compliance management services at a reduced hourly rate.

Get a Tailored Set of Support and Maintenance Services

We always cater to our clients’ unique requirements and form custom mobile app support and maintenance packages that include only necessary services (e.g., L2-L3 + QA + mobile app evolution). Choose what your mobile app needs and discuss the fitting pricing model.

Mobile App Maintenance Costs

The yearly cost to maintain and support a mobile app is about 15–20% of its development cost. Over the app's entire lifetime, these costs can add up to as much as 90% of the total cost of ownership. Factors influencing mobile app support and maintenance costs include:

  • The range of maintenance activities (corrective, adaptive, perfective, preventive; on-demand, continuous, both).
  • App's maturity level (the higher the frequency and volume of updates, the higher the costs will be).
  • Architecture complexity and the number of integrations.
  • App availability requirements.
  • Availability of comprehensive software documentation required for maintenance and support.
  • Maintenance and support team's competencies.
  • Time coverage (e.g., 8/5, 12/5, 24/5, 24/7).

How much does it cost to maintain an app

From $10.50 to 14.40 per ticket

  • L1 support for end users.
  • 200–300 L1 tickets per month.
  • 24/7 time coverage.

From $33 per ticket

  • L2 support for end users.
  • 40–160 L2 tickets per month.
  • 8/5 time coverage.

Explore the estimated cost breakdown for maintaining various types of mobile apps.

Simple mobile app

Mobile app of moderate complexity

Complex apps


E.g., an employee directory app, a resource booking app, an event scheduling app

E.g., an ecommerce app, a social media app, a fitness tracking app

E.g., a mobile store for large marketplaces, a ride-sharing app, a streaming service app, a mobile banking app, enterprise-level inventory software

  • Basic functionality (static content, simple buttons, and basic forms).
  • Minimal or no back end.
  • <10,000 users
  • Integrations with third-party APIs.
  • Moderate user engagement features (interactive forms, basic animations, tabbed navigation, basic notifications).
  • Moderate complexity of a back end, possibly involving databases and cloud storage.
  • 10,000–250,000 users
  • Advanced functionality, including real-time data processing, extensive user engagement (dynamic interfaces, complex animations, AR/VR integration, complex data visualization), and ML components.
  • Highly complex back end with a scalable architecture and infrastructure.
  • 100,000–1,000,000+ users

Infrequent updates, mainly for bug fixes and minor improvements (e.g., UI tweaks or ensuring compatibility with new mobile OS version).

Regular updates for new features or improvements of existing ones, performance improvements, and frequent security patches.

Frequent updates for new features or improvements of existing ones; continuous performance monitoring and optimization; scalability improvements for back-end services; security enhancements.

Monthly support and maintenance costs




How We Set Up Cooperation

Request analysis (< 1 week)

We analyze your business needs, review technology stack, audit your mobile app functionality, and define the scope of mobile app support and maintenance services.

Service planning and SLA preparation (2-3 weeks)

We discuss the services in details and reflect them in the SLA, which usually outlines: support hours (e.g., 8/5, 12/5, 24/5, 24/7 servicing), support levels, support KPIs, app performance requirements, maintenance KPIs, mobile app evolution roadmap, etc.

Responsibility transfer (< 1 week)

To set up all workflows according to the SLA, we create standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Service launch (1-2 days)

Our team starts providing support and maintenance services. We track their progress with a set of defined KPIs and give you access to our reporting tools.

Progress tracked by KPIs

To ensure the highest productivity of our support and maintenance specialists, we monitor their performance with such KPIs as: time to respond, resolution rate, number of change requests, stakeholder satisfaction, etc. For maximum transparency, we regularly report the KPI data to you.

Long-term cooperation

Understanding the need for uninterrupted mobile app support and maintenance, we guarantee the stability and consistency of our services. With 62% of ScienceSoft’s revenue coming from long-term engagements, we know the value of lasting partnerships and work to satisfy our clients' demands even as they change over time.

Data security in focus

We have received our ISO 27001 certificate by proving that all processes in our mobile projects ensure secure, diligent treatment of business and user data. By trusting us with support and maintenance of your mobile app, you can rest assured that all your data is in the hands of security experts.

Technologies We Use

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